Organic waste consists of Yard Waste (like plants, trimmings and grass clippings) and Food Scraps (such as cooked meat, produce, and dairy, as well as food-soiled paper plates and paper products, coffee grounds, tea bags and the like). Both classes of waste may be recycled. Scroll down to review a complete list of acceptable items.
California businesses have been required to direct their organic waste to a permitted facility since State Assembly Bill 1826 was passed on April 1, 2016.
Brown Cart is for Source Separated Food Waste
Food waste can be bagged in compostable bags, clear or white plastic bags and/or paper bags. Brown carts are used for source separated food waste and can be lined with clear plastic bags.
Green Cart or Green Bin is for Mixed Organics (yard waste + food waste)
Do NOT put yard waste in plastic bags. ONLY food waste should be bagged. Yard waste + food waste should be placed in green carts or bins.
Food waste can be bagged in compostable bags, clear or white plastic bags and/or paper bags. DO NOT put yard waste in plastic bags. Organics can be collected up to 5 times a week, Monday-Friday.
CalRecycle has developed a number of tools to assist businesses in assessing their current practices and how to comply with the law. Visit CalRecycle for more information.
California businesses have been required to direct their organic waste to a permitted facility since State Assembly Bill 1826 was passed on April 1, 2016. The law includes schools, hotels, hospitals, stores, restaurants, for profit or nonprofit organizations, as well as residential dwellings with 5+ units (residential dwellings with 5+ units are only required to divert their landscape material). Organics recycling requirements will be phased in over several years and will help California to achieve its statewide recycling goal of 75% by 2020.
Organics recycling supports the State’s recycling goal. And, by redirecting organics to composting and other operations, the State will meet gas emission goals, save landfill space, restore soils, and generate energy which all contribute to a better environment.
We invite you to contact us for assistance with determining the type of service that best meets the needs of your restaurant, business or multifamily complex.
Source Separated Food Waste
Mixed Organics: Food Waste and Landscape Material